

The power generation sector has challeging features related to high power and the fluids used. Safety and reliability aspects are of great importance given the presence of hydrocarbons and the need to ensure continuity of service. In this context, Trillini Engineering has gained experience in the design of plants, buildings and plant service structures in the context of thermoelectric and nuclear power plants.


Water treatment plants

Water treatment plants are an indispensable asset to reclaim polluted areas or to make water from industrial processes usable again. Trillini Engineering has developed groundwater and industrial water treatment plant projects in Italy and abroad, including civil, piping and electro-instrumental engineering in addition to the treatment process.


Pharmaceutical sector

Our team offers design services and assistance during construction for new and revamped projects in the pharmaceutical sector. Our expertise covers several areas, including API production, primary and secondary packaging, medical devices for therapeutic use, and black and clean utilities. Thanks to our experience in the pharmaceutical sector and knowledge of Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP), we are able to provide reliable support for projects both in Italy and abroad.


Data Center

Data centers, key systems for the digital transition represent energy-intensive systems . Trillini Engineering has gained direct experience in the sector and, more specifically, in energy efficiency. We have developed systems to reuse waste heat from the Data Center for internal services and for synergy use with neighbouring companies. Trillini Engineering, thanks to its integrated BIM design, supports the customer in the development of the project, from concept to implementation through the different decision-making phases.




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